Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How does it make you feel when your friends girlfriend walks all over him?

So I have a this friend and every time when we are hanging out she calls him names, laughs in his face, disrespects him, treats him like a child and i find it embarrassing.

She also looks at me like she wants me.

How do I explain to my friend about his girl without him hating me or taking her side?

Understand he is extremely in love with this girl as its his first love but i don't wanna see him get hurt or be treated like this but i feel like he doesn't know the difference between a good woman and a bad woman...

Should I leave it alone?

Help anybody??How does it make you feel when your friends girlfriend walks all over him?
Say i find your friend disrespectful and insulting of you, cant you find a more quality person to hang around with. I really dont like her. Be honest. and clear.

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