my gf broke up with me about 5 weeks ago out of an over a year long relationship. as of about 3 weeks ago she started dating some other guy from a different school. would it do any good to date (or make it seem like i am) another girl in a sense of making her jealous? she was slightly jealous when she thought i liked a girl but that was 2 weeks ago so idk what it would do now...i really just want her back more than anything.How effective is it to get a rebound girl to make your ex-girlfriend jealous?
The whole rebound idea does not work at all. Trust me.How effective is it to get a rebound girl to make your ex-girlfriend jealous?
why don'tyou a) just tell the first girl that you want to date her again, or b) get over it.
why do you wan tot hurt the other girl, its not fiar, if some girl did that with you!
its gonna look pathetic.
if she's already found another boyfriend, then it is probably pointless. she most likely got jealous because she still likes to think that she has control over your emotions and wants you to like her only.
Oh, absolutely effective. Just because two wrongs definitely add up to a right. Righhhht!
Why would you USE somebody else that horrible way, just to make a FORMER GF jealous? Why would you want her back, if she even makes you THINK of doing that? Do you have cream of wheat where your values are supposed to be?
You need to be broken up from everyone. Your moral compass is lost, perhaps you can find it. Your ex does not have it, that is for sure. And even if you are not using the new girl, that is still a really twisted, sick, pathetic little proposition to try to make someone jealous. That is in no way an effective justification for any relationship or any action.
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