Maybe she is all about the relationship its self... lol Does that mean her sexuality is dead or something cuz she has to want something rite? How can I turn her on and make her want it without doing too much? Should I just assume she wants it and go for it and see where it goes?How to know your girlfriend wants to make out? How do I turn her on so that she wants too? ?
Try talking to her and asking her opinions on the matter...
She'll respect that you cared enough to ask, that you are sensitive to her feeling and emotions...
That alone might turn her on!How to know your girlfriend wants to make out? How do I turn her on so that she wants too? ?
';How do I know when she wants to make out, without me making the moves, asking, hinting or pressuring her.';
You're the man, not her. You're SUPPOSED to make the moves.
';I keep thinking that some time she mite just want to make out but I'm not sure how sexual she is and what her opinions are.';
All women are sexual, most moreso than men.
Make out with her already, she's probably starting to think you might be gay.
If she wants more, a team of wild horses could not stop her.
It seems to me, that you believe you have to make things happen. It doesn't work that way.
If a woman is into you, she will clearly let you know. If she isn't, why would you want to force her ??????????
All women are different, and what turns them on, is different for each person..
well if she wants to wait until marriage for sex then it must mean something to her.. i wouldnt go too far with her, let her call the shots and go were she wants to go.. if sex etc. is special to her then she'll be turned on when you do something that means a lot to her or something cute.. also play with her hair (not too roughly) when kissing her
If she licks her lips while looking at you, then you'll know she wants to kiss you.
Watch the movie showgirls... and learn to spell...
start touching her like hips and rub but if she says shes not ready shes not
wait and watch. you'll know.
2 days u r kidding me!!!
well my girlfriend told me the other day if im looking at your lips it means i want to make out we usually start making out if we are both staring at each other without much words cause we are both thinking the same thing. My girlfriend also wants to wait but she is quite sexual. Oh yeah and i can usually turn her on my biting and kissing her neck she likes it or i rub her back when we kiss. I would just go for it she probably want it to but when its quiet just stare into her eyes and let her stare into yours if she looks at your lips and licks her lips and stuff like that just do it
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