girls- do you wear lipgloss when you make out with your boyfriend?
if yes what kind , flavor,stickiness, how much etc...
boys- do you like it when your girlfriend wears lipgloss when you make out with her?
what flavor,stickiness, do you perfer her not to?
any other comments are completly welcome
:]GIRLS-do you wear lipgloss when you make out with your boyfriend?BOYS- do you like it when they do?
As a male, I just can not stand the taste of lip gloss or lip stick, I'd rather taste the womans natural lips....
Just so you know.....
Natural is best......for a kiss......GIRLS-do you wear lipgloss when you make out with your boyfriend?BOYS- do you like it when they do?
my ex HATED lip gloss lol
so i never wore it no lol
I don't wear lipgloss when I make out with my BF. I don't know if he likes it or not but I'm guessing he wouldn't want to be wearing it, too.
Nope.. its better to be natural.
I know not to wear lipstick when i kiss my bf 'cause he's afraid i'll leave it on him...again :p so i don't use anything now. But he did hint that he'd like Dr. Pepper ot 7Up flavored lipgloss on me, so i think i'll have to try that ;)
lol i dont think hed wann b wering it after ure done kissing
boys go CRAZY for lip gloss !!!!!!!!!!! (especially strawberry )
i dont wear lipgloss coz i hate it soooo much!
I never wear lip-gloss when i make-out with my boyfriend.It's just sticky and gross, i wear chap-stick though.
Kissing and making out are personel and intimate things so you don't want it to be ruined with a big sticky glop of lip-gloss.
well. my boyfriend likes it when i wear strawberry smuckers. not necessarily when we make out, but normally when we just kiss. he doesnt mind the fact that its on his lips. hes been asked a few times, why his lips were shiny. but he didnt mind, it just meant people knew we kissed. but its more a personal preference thing. so try it one day, and let it *come about* in your conversation. then find out if he liked it or not.
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