Ive been with my g/f for 8 months. we kiss and stuff but we've never gone past 2nd base. We're both 14 and still virgins. Ive never got or recieved oral from anyone. One of my friends i think hit on me a few times and we came close but i freaked when he went down and stopped him.Im curious to find out what it feels like. He's suppose to sleep over this weekend. Does this mean im bi or gay? Is it cheating if i let him do it ? Do i do it to him too? What do you do with the stuff when it comes out? I would say im straight cuz i have a g/f.I really want to know how it feels and i need to do something besides use my hand on myself.Is it cheating on your girlfriend if you make out with another guy?
Yes, it is definitely cheating. Just having a gf doesn't make you straight. It's who you're attracted to. But really, don't worry about calling yourself anything just yet. You're still experimenting and learning about yourself. Don't rush, and be safe!Is it cheating on your girlfriend if you make out with another guy?
your bi curious...
Well, you ask a lot of questions here,but to answer the topic..
Yes, typically most people think kissing another in a romantic way is cheating.
So if your going to do something, be prepared to explain it.
well, first off, be very safe if you are going to do anything, i would say wait until you're older, but you'll probalby do it anyway. so just be safe. yes, technically it is cheating. it does not necessarily mean you are gay though, many young boys and girls your age experiment with the same sex. as for what you do, you can do what you want, you can give him oral as well. as for the ejaculate, you can either swallow, spit it into a napkin, or just back off before he blows or you blow, and shoot it on your stomach/his stomach. again, i would say wait, but if you are going to do things....be safe!.
your such a fag
Well the answer to your main question is it is cheating if you step outside the guidelines of whatever you have set for each other....SO if it no holding hands with anyone else then holding hands is cheating. By liking another guy that means youre only bicurious not bi yet. Sex is like possibly spoken or unspoken dance. What ever you are comfortable with thats what you should do. Explore your self and your identity but always always stay real with yourself and any and all partners that you interact with.
I think you don't have to let him cause if you really straight a guy that time you should say him you have a gf otherwise if you don't say and if starting a relationship with him that time you might really a gay.If you even don't ask us this Q cause you really have doubt in yourself.I can't know.
First off, find out if he wants to. If so, think about it. If you're curious and really want to find out than go for it! Second off, when stuff comes out get it cleaned up before your parents find out. Third, don't because everyone in the house will hear it. Kissing is O.K. but don't get to the fun stuff until no one is around.
To the person answering with those bible (?) quotes: Ask yourself, ';who wrote this book?'; And realize that it was written long long ago and that those words weren't even used. Your misinterpretation of the bible? Hell yes.
Now to answer this question: Yeah that's cheating and you may be bi-curious or bisexual.
PS: Having a girlfriend doesn't make you straight man.
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