Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How do you make a recovery when your girlfriend finds out you are a pathological liar?

I have this problem of lieing. I've told my friends that I've had a three sum with her(Which makes her look like a slut, I know, bad call), I've lied about past relationships that I've had with girls, I've lied about where I've been, I've NEVER cheated on her before. But other than that, Those are some pretty big things that she has found out to be untrue. Is there any possible way to recover from this? I've already told her, ';Please, call me out on every thing you think I have been lieing about, this way I can start a clean slate'; and even after that, she still says, I don't believe I can trust you as much as I used to.

In other words, how do I start gaining her trust back? How do I start being a better boyfriend? And is there any way to get past being a pathological liar? Some one please help me, I am in desperate need.

I already know some of you might just answer with ';Just start telling her the truth about every thing'; But I have. And there must be other things i can do to prove I am loyal and starting a fresh slate.How do you make a recovery when your girlfriend finds out you are a pathological liar?
Well my friend, it appears you have dug yourself into a deep hole. Don't try and convince her to trust you, that's making things worse. Tell her if she still wants to be with you, then you really appreciate her loyalty to you. Say something along the lines of, ';I know you're going to have trouble trusting me, but I will be completely honest with you from here on out. You don't have to believe me, but I want to prove it to you.';

And don't lie about that, for god's sake.How do you make a recovery when your girlfriend finds out you are a pathological liar?
don't lie.
Are you actually diagnosed as a pathological liar? Because if not, you just sound like some kid who lies about sex and relationships.
You need to stop lying. Plain and simple. In time she will be able to trust you, but until then just show her that you're a good boyfriend. BE YOURSELF. I wouldn't want to date someone that continuously lies to me. Take her out for dinner, buy her won't make you a better boyfriend but it will show that you're trying to be better

answer mine, please?;鈥?/a>
How do I know you're telling the truth right now?

and if so , well to get over it, just lie to your self, tell yourself that you dumped her because she cheated on you, and that you're so over her already.

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